SITE OF THE BATTLE OF BRYN GLAS 22 MEHEFIN 1402 PHOTO FEATURE also Battle Sites Campaign Letter To Western Mail 26/10/2011.

Pilleth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Jump to Battle of Bryn Glas‎: On 22 June 1402 during the battle of Battle of Bryn Glas, the Welsh forces ...

View of the Bryn Glas Battle Site

In reply to below letter, see my letter in reply published in Western Mail but as this was edited, I include full unedited version in this post too. In this post as well photos of the Bryn Glas Battle site I recently visited, photos show what can be achieved by local effort here down to the Friends of Pilleth. However, must point out that Gethin Gruffydd and Toni Lewis had started to promote this Battle Site in the 'Sixties' and there is film of them visiting. As well Cofiwn in the 'Seventies' held events here and put up a provisional wooden plaque though today there has been made vast improvements to the site and it is indeed worth visiting. If all patriots in their communities did as the Friends of Pillleth and as I advise below we would see much move on greatly. I know at present work is being carried out in connection with Battle of Stalling Down/Bryn Owain and other sites but there are many left ignored, inc Glyndwr and other medieval important Welsh Battle Sites (see I'r Gad WBC Blog link below).

View from Pilleth East Towards the Border.

Western Mail lettersWednesday26 October 2011 - Western Mail ... 
1 day ago – Western Mail lettersWednesday26 October 2011. by Our Correspondent, Western Mail; Oct 26 2011. Urgent University of Wales priorities ...


Re letter on the subject of Welsh Battle sites which appeared in the Western Mail on Oct 21st. May I take this opportunity to draw Geraint Owain Price's attention to information which I hope, that he, and others of your readership, will find interesting and of use towards furthering the cause of much ignored Welsh Battlefields.

To begin with, there certainly used to be many more Welsh Battle sites marked on O.S. maps but, over the years, many of these were removed on the advice of the RCAHMW for reasons that I and others do not entirely disagree with. However, the problem then was that they were in no rush to see the matter given any further attention until Gethin ap Gruffydd, with his 'I'r Gad Welsh Battlefield Campaign', vigorously campaigned to persuade CADW to follow in the footsteps of English Heritage and work towards the production of a Battlefield Register.

This Cadw eventually agreed to and with the aid of the RCAHMW, have been working towards this end in latter years - with their efforts being reported on, from time to time, in the Western Mail.

Such, undoubtedly, will lead to more Welsh Battle sites being placed on O.S. Maps and hopefully, as well as the Register, Cadw, in time, will publish a booklet and leaflets on the 'Battlefields of Wales' similar to that which they have published on the 'Welsh Historic Landscapes' as, ironically, Battle sites are rarely mentioned in these works although Celtic Hill Forts and Roman Roads are.

Generally, at a national level, I find the efforts of Cadw and the RCAHMW, thus far. in regards to working towards establishing a Welsh Battlefield Register satisfactory and should there be a need for further campaigning to be done at a national level then it should be aimed at ensuring that the aforementioned bodies do not put their commitments on a shelf to become dusty and forgotten.

However, at a local level, there is much that needs to be done which Welsh Battlefield enthusiasts could become involved in. In the first instance, they could and should ' adopt their local battlefield, establish their own 'Research and Study Groups', and then convince Cadw as to why their local battlefield should be on a 'Welsh Battlefield Register' and on O.S. Maps. Further, local authorities and local Archaeological Services need to be encouraged to put in some serious work on location finding of Welsh Battlefields and, not least, local enthusiasts could lobby the relevant bodies to erect local Welsh Battle site Interpretation Boards and markers close to the locations of Battle sites.

I would agree with Geraint Owen Price that there now exists a 'more than ever' need to defend our Battle site Heritage in the Landscape - which is why I set up a'Tarian Glyndŵr' campaign to protect Glyndŵr Battle sites from the threat of developers such as the one that's planning to establish the gigantic Windmill Plantation at the Hyddgen Glyndŵr Battle site. With such threats in mind, I have also just returned from a four day Battle site Research Field Trip in Maldwyn/Montgomeryshire where historic sites such as Mathrafal and Rhyd Chwima as well as four crucially important Welsh Battle sites at Buttington, Cefn Digoll, Rhyd y Groes and Maes Madog are under threat of having Windmill Plantations erected on or uncomfortably close to them.

For those interested, further information on Welsh Battlefields can be found on the blog I'R Gad Welsh Battlefield Campaign as well as on my blogs Tarian Glyndŵr and Brwydrau Glyndŵr. Photos and reports of our recent research work in Mid Wales will be fully published in these blogs by the end of the month.


C.E.O. Embassy Glyndŵr.

THE CHURCH and Grounds.


The Well

  1. Related History Blogs.

I'R GAD: Welsh Medieval Battlefields Campaign.
29 Sep 2011 – I'R GAD: Welsh Medieval Battlefields Campaign. Objectives are to seek official recognition and registration of Welsh Medieval Battlefields. ...

30 Sep 2011 – URDD BRENHINOL CYMRU. To Inform and educate on the Royal Houses of Wales 'Teyrnasoed Brenhinol Cymru'; Aberffraw - Gwynedd, ...

Also See:

4 Oct 2011 – Homeland Defence - Fighting English Imperialism and Colonialism since 1400. Mudiad Tarian Glyndŵr campaigns against oppression of our .

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